
import {arrayCache, greenSplice} from '../utils/array.js';
import Data from '../Data.js';
import Vector from '../Vector.js';
import createComponentClass from '../factory.js';
import {greenSplit} from '../utils/string.js';

export default (function () {
    var normal = Vector.setUp(0, 0, 1),
        origin = Vector.setUp(1, 0, 0),
        matrices = {
            'identity': [[  1,  0,  0],
                         [  0,  1,  0],
                         [  0,  0,  1]],
            'horizontal': [[ -1,  0,  0],
                           [  0,  1,  0],
                           [  0,  0, -1]],
            'vertical': [[  1,  0,  0],
                         [  0, -1,  0],
                         [  0,  0, -1]],
            'diagonal': [[  0,  1,  0],
                         [  1,  0,  0],
                         [  0,  0, -1]],
            'diagonal-inverse': [[  0, -1,  0],
                                 [ -1,  0,  0],
                                 [  0,  0, -1]],
            'rotate-90': [[  0, -1,  0],
                          [  1,  0,  0],
                          [  0,  0,  1]],
            'rotate-180': [[ -1,  0,  0],
                           [  0, -1,  0],
                           [  0,  0,  1]],
            'rotate-270': [[  0,  1,  0],
                           [ -1,  0,  0],
                           [  0,  0,  1]]
        multiply = (function () {
            var cell = function (row, column, m) {
                var i = 0,
                    sum = 0;

                for (i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
                    sum += row[i] * m[i][column];

                return sum;

            return function (a, b, dest) {
                var i   = 0,
                    j   = 0,
                    arr = arrayCache.setUp();

                for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                    for (j = 0; j < a[0].length; j++) {
                        arr.push(cell(a[i], j, b));

                for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                    for (j = 0; j < a[0].length; j++) {
                        dest[i][j] = arr.shift();
        identitize = function (m) {
            var i = 0,
                j = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                    if (i === j) {
                        m[i][j] = 1;
                    } else {
                        m[i][j] = 0;

            return m;
    return createComponentClass(/** @lends platypus.components.Orientation.prototype */{
        id: 'Orientation',
        publicProperties: {
             * The Entity's scale along the X-axis will mirror the entity's initial orientation if it is negative. This value is available via `entity.scaleX`, but is not manipulated by this component after instantiation.
             * @property scaleX
             * @type number
             * @default 1
            "scaleX": 1,

             * The Entity's scale along the Y-axis will flip the entity's initial orientation if it is negative. This value is available via `entity.scaleY`, but is not manipulated by this component after instantiation.
             * @property scaleY
             * @type number
             * @default 1
            "scaleY": 1,

             * The Entity's rotation will rotate entity's initial orientation if it is a multiple of 90 degrees. This value is available via `entity.rotation`, but is not manipulated by this component after instantiation.
             * @property rotation
             * @type number
             * @default 0
            "rotation": 0,

             * The Entity's orientation is an angle in radians describing an entity's orientation around the Z-axis. This property is affected by a changing `entity.orientationMatrix` but does not itself change the orientation matrix.
             * @property orientation
             * @type number
             * @default 0
            "orientation": 0,
             * The entity's orientation matrix determines the orientation of an entity and its vectors. It's a 3x3 2D Array describing an affine transformation of the entity.
             * @property orientationMatrix
             * @type Array
             * @default 3x3 identity matrix
            "orientationMatrix": null

         * This component handles the orientation of an entity. It maintains an `orientationMatrix` property on the owner to describe the entity's orientation using an affine transformation matrix.
         * Several methods on this component accept either a 3x3 2D Array or a string to describe orientation changes. Accepted strings include:
         *  - "horizontal"       - This flips the entity around the y-axis.
         *  - "vertical"         - This flips the entity around the x-axis.
         *  - "diagonal"         - This flips the entity around the x=y axis.
         *  - "diagonal-inverse" - This flips the entity around the x=-y axis.
         *  - "rotate-90"        - This rotates the entity 90 degrees clockwise.
         *  - "rotate-180"       - This rotates the entity 180 degrees clockwise (noticeable when tweening).
         *  - "rotate-270"       - This rotates the entity 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
         * NOTE: This component absorbs specific properties already on the entity into orientation:
         *  - **orientationMatrix**: 3x3 2D array describing an affine transformation.
         *  - If the above is not provided, these properties are used to set initial orientation. This is useful when importing Tiled maps.
         *     - **scaleX**: absorb -1 if described
         *     - **scaleY**: absorb -1 if described
         *     - **rotation**: absorb 90 degree rotations
         * @memberof platypus.components
         * @uses platypus.Component
         * @constructs
         * @listens platypus.Entity#handle-logic
         * @listens platypus.Entity#append-transform
         * @listens platypus.Entity#complete-tweens
         * @listens platypus.Entity#drop-tweens
         * @listens platypus.Entity#load
         * @listens platypus.Entity#transform
         * @listens platypus.Entity#translate
         * @listens platypus.Entity#orient-vector
         * @listens platypus.Entity#prepend-transform
         * @listens platypus.Entity#remove-vector
         * @listens platypus.Entity#replace-transform
         * @listens platypus.Entity#tween-transform
         * @fires platypus.Entity#orient-vector
         * @fires platypus.Entity#orientation-updated
         * @fires platypus.Entity#relocate-entity
        initialize: (function () {
            var setupOrientation = function (self, orientation) {
                var vector = Vector.setUp(1, 0, 0),
                    owner  = self.owner,
                    matrix = arrayCache.setUp(
                        arrayCache.setUp(1, 0, 0),
                        arrayCache.setUp(0, 1, 0),
                        arrayCache.setUp(0, 0, 1)
                Object.defineProperty(owner, 'orientationMatrix', {
                    get: function () {
                        multiply(self.matrixTween, self.matrix, identitize(matrix));
                        return matrix;
                    enumerable: true

                delete owner.orientation;
                Object.defineProperty(owner, 'orientation', {
                    get: function () {
                        return vector.signedAngleTo(origin, normal);
                    set: function (value) {
                    enumerable: true

                Object.defineProperty(owner, 'rotation', {
                    get: function () {
                        return owner.orientation / Math.PI * 180;
                    set: function (value) {
                        owner.orientation = value * Math.PI / 180;
                    enumerable: true

                if (orientation) {
                    if (typeof orientation !== 'number') {
                    } else {

                return vector;
            return function () {
                this.loadedOrientationMatrix = this.orientationMatrix;
                // This is the stationary transform
                this.matrix = arrayCache.setUp(
                    arrayCache.setUp(1, 0, 0),
                    arrayCache.setUp(0, 1, 0),
                    arrayCache.setUp(0, 0, 1)
                // This is the tweening transform
                this.matrixTween = arrayCache.setUp(
                    arrayCache.setUp(1, 0, 0),
                    arrayCache.setUp(0, 1, 0),
                    arrayCache.setUp(0, 0, 1)
                this.relocationMessage = Data.setUp(
                    "position", null
                this.vectors  = arrayCache.setUp();
                this.inverses = arrayCache.setUp();
                this.tweens   = arrayCache.setUp();
                this.orientationVector = setupOrientation(this, this.orientation);

                 * On receiving a vector via this event, the component will transform the vector using the current orientation matrix and then store the vector and continue manipulating it as the orientation matrix changes.
                 * @event platypus.Entity#orient-vector
                 * @param vector {platypus.Vector} The vector whose orientation will be maintained.
                this.owner.triggerEvent('orient-vector', this.orientationVector);
                this.owner.state.set('reorienting', false);

        events: {
            "load": function () {
                if (this.loadedOrientationMatrix) {
                } else {
                    if (this.scaleX && this.scaleX < 0) {
                        this.scaleX = -this.scaleX;
                    if (this.scaleY && this.scaleY < 0) {
                        this.scaleY = -this.scaleY;
                    if (this.rotation) {
                        if (((this.rotation + 270) % 360) === 0) {
                            this.rotation = 0;
                        } else if (((this.rotation + 180) % 360) === 0) {
                            this.rotation = 0;
                        } else if (((this.rotation + 90) % 360) === 0) {
                            this.rotation = 0;
                delete this.loadedOrientationMatrix;
            "handle-logic": function (tick) {
                var i = this.tweens.length,
                    delta =,
                    state = this.owner.state,
                    finishedTweening = null,
                    tween = null,
                    msg = this.relocationMessage;
                if (i) {
                    finishedTweening = arrayCache.setUp();
                    state.set('reorienting', true);
                    while (i--) {
                        if (this.updateTween(this.tweens[i], delta)) { // finished tweening
                            finishedTweening.push(greenSplice(this.tweens, i));
                    i = this.vectors.length;
                    while (i--) {
                        this.updateVector(this.vectors[i], this.inverses[i]);
                    i = finishedTweening.length;
                    while (i--) {
                        tween = finishedTweening[i];
                        if (tween.anchor) {
                            msg.position = tween.offset;
                            this.owner.triggerEvent('relocate-entity', msg);
                            if (tween.recycleOffset) {
                } else if (state.get('reorienting')) {
                    state.set('reorienting', false);
             * On receiving this message, any currently running orientation tweens are immediately completed to give the entity a new stable position.
             * @event platypus.Entity#complete-tweens
            "complete-tweens": function () {
                var i = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < this.tweens.length; i++) {
                    this.tweens[i].time = this.tweens[i].endTime;
             * On receiving this message, any currently running orientation tweens are discarded, returning the entity to its last stable position.
             * @event platypus.Entity#drop-tweens
            "drop-tweens": function () {
                var i = 0;
                i = this.tweens.length;
                while (i--) {
                    if (this.tweens[i].offset) {
                this.tweens.length = 0;
                i = this.vectors.length;
                while (i--) {
                    this.updateVector(this.vectors[i], this.inverses[i]);
            "orient-vector": function (vector) {
                var aligned = vector.aligned || false;
                if (vector.vector) {
                    vector = vector.vector;
                if (this.vectors.indexOf(vector) === -1) {
                    if (!aligned) {
            "remove-vector": function (vector) {
                var i = this.vectors.indexOf(vector);
                if (i >= 0) {
                    greenSplice(this.vectors, i);
                    greenSplice(this.inverses, i).recycle();
             * This message performs a timed transform of the entity by performing the transformation via a prepended matrix multiplication.
             * @event platypus.Entity#tween-transform
             * @param transform {Array|String} A 3x3 @D Array or a string describing a transformation.
            "tween-transform": function (options) {
             * This message performs an immediate transform of the entity by performing the transformation via a prepended matrix multiplication.
             * @event platypus.Entity#transform
             * @param transform {Array|String} A 3x3 @D Array or a string describing a transformation.
            "transform": function (transform) {
             * This message performs an immediate transform of the entity by performing the transformation via a prepended matrix multiplication.
             * @event platypus.Entity#prepend-transform
             * @param transform {Array|String} A 3x3 @D Array or a string describing a transformation.
            "prepend-transform": function (transform) {
             * This message performs an immediate transform of the entity by performing the transformation via an appended matrix multiplication.
             * @event platypus.Entity#append-transform
             * @param transform {Array|String} A 3x3 @D Array or a string describing a transformation.
            "append-transform": function (transform) {
                this.transform(transform, true);
             * This message performs an immediate transform of the entity by returning the entity to an identity transform before performing a matrix multiplication.
             * @event platypus.Entity#replace-transform
             * @param transform {Array|String} A 3x3 @D Array or a string describing a transformation.
            "replace-transform": function (transform) {
                if (Array.isArray(transform)) {
                } else if (typeof transform === 'string') {
                    if (matrices[transform]) {
        methods: {
            transform: function (transform, append) {
                if (Array.isArray(transform)) {
                    this.multiply(transform, append);
                } else if (typeof transform === 'string') {
                    if (matrices[transform]) {
                        this.multiply(matrices[transform], append);
            multiply: (function () {
                return function (m, append) {
                    var i = 0;
                    if (append) {
                        multiply(this.matrix, m, this.matrix);
                    } else {
                        multiply(m, this.matrix, this.matrix);
                    for (i = 0; i < this.vectors.length; i++) {
                     * Once a transform is complete, this event is triggered to notify the entity of the completed transformation.
                     * @event platypus.Entity#orientation-updated
                     * @param matrix {Array} A 3x3 2D array describing the change in orientation.
                    this.owner.triggerEvent('orientation-updated', m);

            replace: (function () {
                var det2 = function (a, b, c, d) {
                        return a * d - b * c;
                    det3 = function (a) {
                        var i = 0,
                            sum = 0;

                        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                            sum += a[i][0] * a[(i + 1) % 3][1] * a[(i + 2) % 3][2];
                            sum -= a[i][2] * a[(i + 1) % 3][1] * a[(i + 2) % 3][0];
                        return sum;
                    invert = function (a) {
                        var arr = arrayCache.setUp(arrayCache.setUp(), arrayCache.setUp(), arrayCache.setUp()),
                            inv = 1 / det3(a);

                        arr[0].push(det2(a[1][1], a[1][2], a[2][1], a[2][2]) * inv);
                        arr[0].push(det2(a[0][2], a[0][1], a[2][2], a[2][1]) * inv);
                        arr[0].push(det2(a[0][1], a[0][2], a[1][1], a[1][2]) * inv);
                        arr[1].push(det2(a[1][2], a[1][0], a[2][2], a[2][0]) * inv);
                        arr[1].push(det2(a[0][0], a[0][2], a[2][0], a[2][2]) * inv);
                        arr[1].push(det2(a[0][2], a[0][0], a[1][2], a[1][0]) * inv);
                        arr[2].push(det2(a[1][0], a[1][1], a[2][0], a[2][1]) * inv);
                        arr[2].push(det2(a[0][1], a[0][0], a[2][1], a[2][0]) * inv);
                        arr[2].push(det2(a[0][0], a[0][1], a[1][0], a[1][1]) * inv);

                        return arr;
                return function (m) {
                    var inversion = invert(this.matrix);
                    // We invert the matrix so we can re-orient all vectors for the incoming replacement matrix.
                    // clean-up
                    arrayCache.recycle(inversion, 2);
            updateTween: (function () {
                var getMid = function (a, b, t) {
                    return (a * (1 - t) + b * t);
                return function (tween, delta) {
                    var t = 0,
                        a = 1,                //  a c -
                        b = 0,                //  b d -
                        c = 0,                //  - - z
                        d = 1,
                        z = 1,
                        angle = 0,
                        m = tween.endMatrix,
                        matrix = null,
                        initialOffset = null,
                        finalOffset = null;
                    if (tween.beforeTick(tween.time)) {
                        tween.time += delta;
                    if (tween.time >= tween.endTime) {
                        return true;
                    t = tween.tween(tween.time / tween.endTime);
                    if (tween.angle) {
                        angle = t * tween.angle;
                        a = d = Math.cos(angle);
                        b = Math.sin(angle);
                        c = -b;
                    } else {
                        a = getMid(a, m[0][0], t);
                        b = getMid(b, m[1][0], t);
                        c = getMid(c, m[0][1], t);
                        d = getMid(d, m[1][1], t);
                        z = getMid(z, m[2][2], t);
                    matrix = arrayCache.setUp(
                        arrayCache.setUp(a, c, 0),
                        arrayCache.setUp(b, d, 0),
                        arrayCache.setUp(0, 0, z)

                    multiply(this.matrixTween, matrix, this.matrixTween);
                    if (tween.anchor) {
                        initialOffset = Vector.setUp(tween.offset).multiply(1 - t);
                        finalOffset = Vector.setUp(tween.offset).multiply(t);
                        this.owner.triggerEvent('relocate-entity', {
                            position: initialOffset.add(finalOffset).multiply(matrix).addVector(tween.anchor)

                    tween.afterTick(t, matrix);
                    arrayCache.recycle(matrix, 2);
                    return false;
            updateVector: function (vector, inverse) {
                inverse.setVector(vector.add(inverse)); // Inverses are stored to return to the original postion, *but* also allow outside changes on the vectors to be retained. This introduces floating point errors on tweened vectors. - DDD 2/10/2016
            destroy: function () {
                arrayCache.recycle(this.vectors); this.vectors = null;
                arrayCache.recycle(this.inverses); this.inverses = null;
                arrayCache.recycle(this.tweens); this.tweens = null;
                this.orientationVector.recycle(); this.orientationVector = null;
                arrayCache.recycle(this.orientationMatrix, 2);/* this.orientationMatrix = null; - Only has a setter */
                arrayCache.recycle(this.matrix, 2); this.matrix = null;
                arrayCache.recycle(this.matrixTween, 2); this.matrixTween = null;
                this.relocationMessage.recycle(); this.relocationMessage = null;

        publicMethods: {
             * This message causes the component to begin tweening the entity's orientation over a span of time into the new orientation.
             * @method platypus.components.Orientation#tweenTransform
             * @param {Object} options A list of key/value pairs describing the tween options.
             * @param {Array} options.matrix A transformation matrix: only required if `transform` is not provided
             * @param {String} options.transform A transformation type: only required if `matrix` is not provided.
             * @param {number} options.time The time over which the tween occurs. 0 makes it instantaneous.
             * @param {platypus.Vector} [options.anchor] The anchor of the orientation change. If not provided, the owner's position is used.
             * @param {platypus.Vector} [options.offset] If an anchor is supplied, this vector describes the entity's distance from the anchor. It defaults to the entity's current position relative to the anchor position.
             * @param {number} [options.angle] Angle in radians to transform. This is only valid for rotations and is derived from the transform if not provided.
             * @param {Function} [options.tween] A function describing the transition. Performs a linear transition by default. See CreateJS Ease for other options.
             * @param {Function} [options.beforeTick] A function that should be processed before each tick as the tween occurs. This function should return `true`, otherwise the tween doesn't take a step.
             * @param {Function} [options.afterTick] A function that should be processed after each tick as the tween occurs.
             * @param {Function} [options.onFinished] A function that should be run once the transition is complete.
            tweenTransform: (function () {
                var doNothing = function () {
                        // Doing nothing!
                    returnTrue = function () {
                        return true;
                    linearEase = function (t) {
                        return t;

                return function (props) {
                    var arr = null,
                        angle  = props.angle || 0,
                        matrix = props.matrix,
                        tween  = Data.setUp(
                            "transform", props.transform,
                            "anchor", props.anchor,
                            "endTime", props.time || 0,
                            "time", 0,
                            "tween", props.tween || linearEase,
                            "onFinished", props.onFinished || doNothing,
                            "beforeTick", props.beforeTick || returnTrue,
                            "afterTick", props.afterTick || doNothing
                    if (!matrix) {
                        matrix = matrices[props.transform];
                    tween.endMatrix = matrix;
                    if (!angle && (props.transform.indexOf('rotate') === 0)) {
                        switch (props.transform) {
                        case 'rotate-90':
                            angle = Math.PI / 2;
                        case 'rotate-180':
                            angle = Math.PI;
                        case 'rotate-270':
                            angle = -Math.PI / 2;
                            arr = greenSplit(props.transform, '-');
                            angle = (arr[1] / 180) * Math.PI;
                    tween.angle = angle;
                    if (props.anchor) {
                        tween.offset = props.offset;
                        if (!tween.offset) {
                            tween.offset = this.owner.position.copy().subtractVector(props.anchor, 2);
                            tween.recycleOffset = true;