
/* global platypus */
import {arrayCache, greenSlice, greenSplice, union} from '../utils/array.js';
import Async from '../Async.js';
import Data from '../Data.js';
import Entity from '../Entity.js';
import Messenger from '../Messenger.js';
import createComponentClass from '../factory.js';

    childBroadcast = function (event) {
        return function (value, debug) {
            this.triggerOnChildren(event, value, debug);
    EntityContainer = createComponentClass(/** @lends platypus.components.EntityContainer.prototype */{
        id: 'EntityContainer',
        properties: {
             * An Array listing messages that are triggered on the entity and should be triggered on the children as well.
             * @property childEvents
             * @type Array
             * @default []
            childEvents: []
         * This component allows the entity to contain child entities. It will add several methods to the entity to manage adding and removing entities.
         * @memberof platypus.components
         * @extends platypus.Messenger
         * @uses platypus.Component
         * @constructs
         * @listens platypus.Entity#add-entity
         * @listens platypus.Entity#child-entity-updated
         * @listens platypus.Entity#handle-logic
         * @listens platypus.Entity#remove-entity
        initialize: (function () {
                entityInit = function (entityDefinition, callback) {
                    this.addEntity(entityDefinition, callback);

            return function (definition, callback) {
                var i = 0,
                    entities = null,
                    events = this.childEvents,
                    entityInits = null;

                this.newAdds = arrayCache.setUp();

                //saving list of entities for load message
                if (definition.entities && this.owner.entities) { //combine component list and entity list into one if they both exist.
                    entities = definition.entities.concat(this.owner.entities);
                } else {
                    entities = definition.entities || this.owner.entities || null;

                this.owner.entities = this.entities = arrayCache.setUp();
                this.childEvents = arrayCache.setUp();
                for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {

                if (entities) {
                    entityInits = arrayCache.setUp();
                    for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
                        entityInits.push(entityInit.bind(this, entities[i]));
                    Async.setUp(entityInits, callback);
                    return true; // notifies owner that this component is asynchronous.
                } else {
                    return false;
        } ()),
        events: {
             * This message will added the given entity to this component's list of entities.
             * @event platypus.Entity#add-entity
             * @param entity {platypus.Entity} This is the entity to be added as a child.
             * @param [callback] {Function} A function to run once all of the components on the Entity have been loaded.
            "add-entity": function (entity, callback) {
                this.addEntity(entity, callback);
             * On receiving this message, the provided entity will be removed from the list of child entities.
             * @method platypus.Entity#remove-entity
             * @param entity {platypus.Entity} The entity to remove.
            "remove-entity": function (entity) {
            "child-entity-updated": function (entity) {

            "handle-logic": function () {
                var adding = null,
                    adds = this.newAdds,
                    l = adds.length,
                    i = 0,
                    removals = null;

                if (l) {
                    removals = arrayCache.setUp();

                    //must go in order so entities are added in the expected order.
                    for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                        adding = adds[i];
                        if (adding.destroyed || !adding.loadingComponents || adding.loadingComponents.attemptResolution()) {

                    i = removals.length;
                    while (i--) {
                        greenSplice(adds, removals[i]);

        methods: {
            addNewPublicEvent: function (event) {
                var i = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < this.childEvents.length; i++) {
                    if (this.childEvents[i] === event) {
                        return false;
                // Listens for specified messages and on receiving them, re-triggers them on child entities.
                this.addEventListener(event, childBroadcast(event));
                return true;
            addNewPrivateEvent: function (event) {
                var x = 0,
                    y = 0;
                if (this._listeners[event]) {
                    return false; // event is already added.

                this._listeners[event] = arrayCache.setUp(); //to signify it's been added even if not used
                //Listen for message on children
                for (x = 0; x < this.entities.length; x++) {
                    if (this.entities[x]._listeners[event]) {
                        for (y = 0; y < this.entities[x]._listeners[event].length; y++) {
                            this.addChildEventListener(this.entities[x], event, this.entities[x]._listeners[event][y]);
                return true;
            updateChildEventListeners: function (entity) {
            addChildEventListeners: function (entity) {
                var y     = 0,
                    event = '';
                for (event in this._listeners) {
                    if (this._listeners.hasOwnProperty(event) && entity._listeners[event]) {
                        for (y = 0; y < entity._listeners[event].length; y++) {
                            this.addChildEventListener(entity, event, entity._listeners[event][y]);
            removeChildEventListeners: function (entity) {
                var i        = 0,
                    events   = null,
                    messages = null;
                if (entity.containerListener) {
                    events   =;
                    messages = entity.containerListener.messages;

                    for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
                        this.removeChildEventListener(entity, events[i], messages[i]);
                    entity.containerListener = null;
            addChildEventListener: function (entity, event, callback) {
                if (!entity.containerListener) {
                    entity.containerListener = Data.setUp(
                        "events", arrayCache.setUp(),
                        "messages", arrayCache.setUp()
                this.on(event, callback, callback._priority || 0);
            removeChildEventListener: function (entity, event, callback) {
                var i        = 0,
                    events   =,
                    messages = entity.containerListener.messages;
                for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
                    if ((events[i] === event) && (!callback || (messages[i] === callback))) {
              , messages[i]);

            destroy: function () {
                var entities = greenSlice(this.entities), // Make a copy to handle entities being destroyed while processing list.
                    i = entities.length,
                    entity = null;
                while (i--) {
                    entity = entities[i];
                this.owner.entities = null;
                this.childEvents = null;
                this.newAdds = null;
        publicMethods: {
             * Gets an entity in this layer by its Id. Returns `null` if not found.
             * @method platypus.components.EntityContainer#getEntityById
             * @param {String} id
             * @return {Entity}
            getEntityById: function (id) {
                var i         = 0,
                    selection = null;
                for (i = 0; i < this.entities.length; i++) {
                    if (this.entities[i].id === id) {
                        return this.entities[i];
                    if (this.entities[i].getEntityById) {
                        selection = this.entities[i].getEntityById(id);
                        if (selection) {
                            return selection;
                return null;

             * Returns a list of entities of the requested type.
             * @method platypus.components.EntityContainer#getEntitiesByType
             * @param {String} type
             * @return {Array}
            getEntitiesByType: function (type) {
                var i         = 0,
                    selection = null,
                    entities  = arrayCache.setUp();
                for (i = 0; i < this.entities.length; i++) {
                    if (this.entities[i].type === type) {
                    if (this.entities[i].getEntitiesByType) {
                        selection = this.entities[i].getEntitiesByType(type);
                        union(entities, selection);
                return entities;

             * This method adds an entity to the owner's group. If an entity definition or a reference to an entity definition is provided, the entity is created and then added to the owner's group.
             * @method platypus.components.EntityContainer#addEntity
             * @param newEntity {platypus.Entity|Object|String} Specifies the entity to add. If an object with a "type" property is provided or a String is provided, this component looks up the entity definition to create the entity.
             * @param [newEntity.type] {String} If an object with a "type" property is provided, this component looks up the entity definition to create the entity.
             * @param [] {Object} A list of key/value pairs that sets the initial properties on the new entity.
             * @param [callback] {Function} A function to run once all of the components on the Entity have been loaded.
             * @return {platypus.Entity} The entity that was just added.
             * @fires platypus.Entity#child-entity-added
             * @fires platypus.Entity#entity-created
             * @fires platypus.Entity#peer-entity-added
            addEntity: (function () {
                    whenReady = function (callback, entity) {
                        var owner = this.owner,
                            entities = this.entities,
                            i = entities.length;

                        entity.triggerEvent('adopted', entity);
                         * This message is triggered when a new entity has been added to the parent's list of children entities.
                         * @event platypus.Entity#peer-entity-added
                         * @param {platypus.Entity} entity The entity that was just added.
                        while (i--) {
                            if (!entity.triggerEvent('peer-entity-added', entities[i])) {
                        this.triggerEventOnChildren('peer-entity-added', entity);


                         * This message is triggered when a new entity has been added to the list of children entities.
                         * @event platypus.Entity#child-entity-added
                         * @param {platypus.Entity} entity The entity that was just added.
                        owner.triggerEvent('child-entity-added', entity);

                        if (callback) {

                return function (newEntity, callback) {
                    var entity = null,
                        owner = this.owner;
                    if (newEntity instanceof Entity) {
                        entity = newEntity;
                        entity.parent = owner;
              , callback, entity);
                    } else {
                        if (typeof newEntity === 'string') {
                            entity = new Entity([newEntity], null, whenReady.bind(this, callback), owner);
                        } else if ( {
                            entity = new Entity(newEntity, null, whenReady.bind(this, callback), owner);
                        } else {
                            entity = new Entity([newEntity.type], newEntity, whenReady.bind(this, callback), owner);

                         * Called when this entity spawns a new entity, this event links the newly created entity to this entity.
                         * @event platypus.Entity#entity-created
                         * @param entity {platypus.Entity} The entity to link.
                        this.owner.triggerEvent('entity-created', entity);


                    return entity;
             * Removes the provided entity from the layer and destroys it. Returns `false` if the entity is not found in the layer.
             * @method platypus.components.EntityContainer#removeEntity
             * @param {Entity} entity
             * @return {Entity}
             * @fires platypus.Entity#child-entity-removed
             * @fires platypus.Entity#peer-entity-removed
            removeEntity: function (entity) {
                var i = this.entities.indexOf(entity);

                if (i >= 0) {
                    greenSplice(this.entities, i);

                     * This message is triggered when an entity has been removed from the parent's list of children entities.
                     * @event platypus.Entity#peer-entity-removed
                     * @param {platypus.Entity} entity The entity that was just removed.
                    this.triggerEventOnChildren('peer-entity-removed', entity);
                     * This message is triggered when an entity has been removed from the list of children entities.
                     * @event platypus.Entity#child-entity-removed
                     * @param {platypus.Entity} entity The entity that was just added.
                    this.owner.triggerEvent('child-entity-removed', entity);
                    entity.parent = null;
                    return entity;
                return false;
             * Triggers a single event on the child entities in the layer.
             * @method platypus.components.EntityContainer#triggerEventOnChildren
             * @param {*} event
             * @param {*} message
             * @param {*} debug
            triggerEventOnChildren: function (event, message, debug) {
                if (this.destroyed) {
                    return 0;
                if (!this._listeners[event]) {
                return this.triggerEvent(event, message, debug);

             * Triggers one or more events on the child entities in the layer. This is unique from `triggerEventOnChildren` in that it also accepts an `Array` to send multiple events.
             * @method platypus.components.EntityContainer#triggerOnChildren
             * @param {*} event
             * @param {*} message
             * @param {*} debug
            triggerOnChildren: function (event) {
                if (this.destroyed) {
                    return 0;
                if (!this._listeners[event]) {
                return this.trigger.apply(this, arguments);
        getAssetList: function (def, props, defaultProps, data) {
            var i = 0,
                assets = arrayCache.setUp(),
                entities = arrayCache.setUp(),
                arr = null;
            if (def.entities) {
                union(entities, def.entities);
            if (props && props.entities) {
                union(entities, props.entities);
            } else if (defaultProps && defaultProps.entities) {
                union(entities, defaultProps.entities);

            for (i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
                arr = Entity.getAssetList(entities[i], null, data);
                union(assets, arr);
            return assets;


export default EntityContainer;