
/* global platypus */
import {arrayCache, greenSplice, union} from './utils/array.js';
import Async from './Async.js';
import Data from './Data.js';
import Messenger from './Messenger.js';
import StateMap from './StateMap.js';
import createComponentClass from './factory.js';

    getComponentClass = function (componentDefinition) {
        if (componentDefinition.type) {
            if (typeof componentDefinition.type === 'function') {
                return componentDefinition.type;
            } else if (platypus.components[componentDefinition.type]) {
                return platypus.components[componentDefinition.type];
        } else if (componentDefinition.id) { // "type" not specified, so we create the component directly.
            return createComponentClass(componentDefinition);
        } else if (typeof componentDefinition === 'function') {
            return componentDefinition;
        } else {
            return null;

export default (function () {
    var componentInit = function (Component, componentDefinition, callback) {
            this.addComponent(new Component(this, componentDefinition, callback));
        entityIds = {};

     * The Entity object acts as a container for components, facilitates communication between components and other game objects, and includes properties set by components to maintain a current state. The entity object serves as the foundation for most of the game objects in the platypus engine.
     * ## JSON Definition Example
             "id": "entity-id",
            // "entity-id" becomes `entity.type` once the entity is created.
            "components": [
            // This array lists one or more component definition objects
                {"type": "example-component"}
                // The component objects must include a "type" property corresponding to a component to load, but may also include additional properties to customize the component in a particular way for this entity.
            "properties": {
            // This object lists properties that will be attached directly to this entity.
                "x": 240
                // For example, `x` becomes `entity.x` on the new entity.

            "preload": ['image.png', 'sound.mp3']
            // assets that need to be loaded before this entity loads
     * @memberof platypus
     * @extends platypus.Messenger
    class Entity extends Messenger {
         * @param {Object} [definition] Base definition for the entity.
         * @param {Object} [definition.id] This declares the type of entity and will be stored on the Entity as `entity.type` after instantiation.
         * @param {Object} [definition.components] This lists the components that should be attached to this entity.
         * @param {Object} [definition.properties] [definition.properties] This is a list of key/value pairs that are added directly to the Entity as `entity.key = value`.
         * @param {Object} [instanceDefinition] Specific instance definition including properties that override the base definition properties.
         * @param {Object} [instanceDefinition.properties] This is a list of key/value pairs that are added directly to the Entity as `entity.key = value`.
         * @param {Function} [callback] A function to run once all of the components on the Entity have been loaded. The first parameter is the entity itself.
         * @param {Entity} [parent] Presets the parent of the entity so that the parent entity is available during component instantiation. Overrides `parent` in properties definitions.
         * @return {Entity} Returns the new entity made up of the provided components.
         * @fires platypus.Entity#load
        constructor (definition, instanceDefinition, callback, parent) {
            var i                    = 0,
                componentDefinition  = null,
                componentInits       = arrayCache.setUp(),
                def                  = Data.setUp(definition),
                componentDefinitions = def.components,
                defaultProperties    = Data.setUp(def.properties),
                instance             = Data.setUp(instanceDefinition),
                instanceProperties   = Data.setUp(instance.properties),
                savedEvents          = arrayCache.setUp();

            // Set properties of messenger on this entity.

            this.components  = arrayCache.setUp();
            this.type = def.id || 'none';

            this.id = instance.id || instanceProperties.id;
            if (this.id) { // check to make sure auto-ids don't overlap.
                if (this.id.search(this.type + '-') === 0) {
                    i = parseInt(this.id.substring(this.id.search('-') + 1), 10);
                    if (!isNaN(i) && (!entityIds[this.type] || (entityIds[this.type] <= i))) {
                        entityIds[this.type] = i + 1;
            } else {
                if (!entityIds[this.type]) {
                    entityIds[this.type] = 0;
                this.id = this.type + '-' + entityIds[this.type];
                entityIds[this.type] += 1;

            this.setProperty(defaultProperties); // This takes the list of properties in the JSON definition and appends them directly to the object.
            this.setProperty(instanceProperties); // This takes the list of options for this particular instance and appends them directly to the object.
            this.on('set-property', function (keyValuePairs) {

            this.state = StateMap.setUp(this.state); //starts with no state information. This expands with boolean value properties entered by various logic components.
            this.lastState = StateMap.setUp(); //This is used to determine if the state of the entity has changed.
            if (parent) {
                this.parent = parent;

            this.trigger = this.triggerEvent = function (trigger, ...args) {
                savedEvents.push(trigger.bind(this, ...args));

                return -1; // Message has not been delivered yet.
            }.bind(this, this.trigger);
            if (componentDefinitions) {
                for (i = 0; i < componentDefinitions.length; i++) {
                    componentDefinition = componentDefinitions[i];
                    if (componentDefinition) {
                        if (componentDefinition.type) {
                                componentClass = getComponentClass(componentDefinition);

                            if (componentClass) {
                                componentInits.push(componentInit.bind(this, componentClass, componentDefinition));
                            } else {
                                platypus.debug.warn('Entity "' + this.type + '": Component "' + componentDefinition.type + '" is not defined.', componentDefinition);
                        } else if (componentDefinition.id) { // "type" not specified, so we create the component directly.
                            componentInits.push(componentInit.bind(this, createComponentClass(componentDefinition), null));
                        } else if (typeof componentDefinition === 'function') {
                            componentInits.push(componentInit.bind(this, componentDefinition, null));
                        } else {
                            platypus.debug.warn('Entity "' + this.type + '": Component must have an `id` or `type` value.', componentDefinition);
            this.loadingComponents = Async.setUp(componentInits, function () {
                this.loadingComponents = null;

                // Trigger saved events that were being fired during component addition.
                delete this.trigger;
                delete this.triggerEvent;
                for (let i = 0; i < savedEvents.length; i++) {

                 * The entity triggers `load` on itself once all the properties and components have been attached, notifying the components that all their peer components are ready for messages.
                 * @event platypus.Entity#load

                if (callback) {

        * Returns a string describing the entity.
        * @return {String} Returns the entity type as a string of the form "[Entity entity-type]".
        toString () {
            return "[Entity " + this.type + "]";
        * Returns a JSON object describing the entity.
        * @param includeComponents {Boolean} Whether the returned JSON should list components. Defaults to `false` to condense output since components are generally defined in `platypus.game.settings.entities`, but may be needed for custom-constructed entities not so defined.
        * @return {Object} Returns a JSON definition that can be used to recreate the entity.
        toJSON (includeComponents) {
            var components = this.components,
                definition = {
                    properties: {
                        id: this.id,
                        state: this.state.toJSON()
                i = 0,
                json = null,
                properties = definition.properties;
            if (includeComponents) {
                definition.id = this.type;
                definition.components = [];
            } else {
                definition.type = this.type;

            for (i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
                json = components[i].toJSON(properties);
                if (includeComponents && json) {

            return definition;
         * Attaches the provided component to the entity.
         * @param {platypus.Component} component Must be an object that functions as a Component.
         * @return {platypus.Component} Returns the same object that was submitted.
         * @fires platypus.Entity#component-added
        addComponent (component) {

             * The entity triggers `component-added` on itself once a component has been attached, notifying other components of their peer component.
             * @event platypus.Entity#component-added
             * @param {platypus.Component} component The added component.
             * @param {String} component.type The type of component.
            this.triggerEvent('component-added', component);
            return component;
         * Removes the mentioned component from the entity.
         * @param {Component} component Must be a [[Component]] attached to the entity.
         * @return {Component} Returns the same object that was submitted if removal was successful; otherwise returns false (the component was not found attached to the entity).
         * @fires platypus.Entity#component-removed
        removeComponent (component) {
            var i = 0;
             * The entity triggers `component-removed` on itself once a component has been removed, notifying other components of their peer component's removal.
             * @event platypus.Entity#component-removed
             * @param {Component} component The removed component.
             * @param {String} component.type The type of component.
            if (typeof component === 'string') {
                for (i = 0; i < this.components.length; i++) {
                    if (this.components[i].type === component) {
                        component = this.components[i];
                        greenSplice(this.components, i);
                        this.triggerEvent('component-removed', component);
                        return component;
            } else {
                for (i = 0; i < this.components.length; i++) {
                    if (this.components[i] === component) {
                        greenSplice(this.components, i);
                        this.triggerEvent('component-removed', component);
                        return component;
            return false;
        * This method sets one or more properties on the entity.
        * @param {Object} properties A list of key/value pairs to set as properties on the entity.
        setProperty (properties) {
            var index = '';
            for (index in properties) { // This takes a list of properties and appends them directly to the object.
                if (properties.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
                    this[index] = properties[index];
        * This method removes all components from the entity.
        destroy () {
            var components = this.components;
            if (!this._destroyed) {
                while (components.length) {
                this.components = null;
                this.state = null;
                this.lastState = null;
         * Returns all of the assets required for this Entity. This method calls the corresponding method on all components to determine the list of assets.
         * @param definition {Object} The definition for the Entity.
         * @param properties {Object} Properties for this instance of the Entity.
         * @param data {Object} Layer data that affects asset list.
         * @return {Array} A list of the necessary assets to load.
        static getAssetList (def, props, data) {
            var i = 0,
                component = null,
                arr = null,
                assets = null,
                definition = null;
            if (def.type) {
                definition = platypus.game.settings.entities[def.type];
                if (!definition) {
                    platypus.debug.warn('Entity "' + def.type + '": This entity is not defined.', def);
                    return arrayCache.setUp();
                return Entity.getAssetList(definition, def.properties, data);
            assets = union(arrayCache.setUp(), def.preload);

            for (i = 0; i < def.components.length; i++) {
                component = getComponentClass(def.components[i]);
                if (component) {
                    arr = component.getAssetList(def.components[i], def.properties, props, data);
                    union(assets, arr);
            return assets;
    return Entity;